Envío gratis en México a partir de $3,000 MXN
Envío gratis en México a partir de $3,000 MXN


Dear Customer:

            We intend to offer you the best experience possible while navigating through our website www.shopmahe.com so, in accordance with the Mexican Personal Data Protection Law (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares) and its implementing regulations (Reglamento de la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares), we share with you this Notice that describes our privacy policy.

            Alejandra Quintero Cárdenas and Mariana Quintero Cárdenas are responsible for gathering and using your personal information, exclusively to analyze orders, determine total retail price, shipping our products, receive payments and send relevant information about our products.

            We only gather and use the personal information that is strictly necessary in order to use our website, specifically your name, address, phone number, email address, tax data exclusively for invoice generation such as RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes, or Federal Taxpayer Registry), payment information such as bank account number, credit and/or debit card information. We do not gather sensitive personal information, so you will never be asked to provide any. Also, your personal information will never be shared or transferred to third parties.

            Additionally, we inform you that our address is Carretera Torreón-San Pedro Km. 3.7, 1005, suite 7-B, Torreón, Coahuila de Zaragoza, México, C.P. 27105.

            You have the right to access your personal information in our possession and to be informed of how we use it (Access), to make any corrections when you identify any error or incomplete data (Rectification), to request the elimination of your personal information stored in our data base (Cancelation), and the right to request that we do not use your personal information (Opposition). All the rights previously mentioned, to which you are fully entitled, are known by its initials as ARCO rights (derechos ARCO).

            You may exercise any of the ARCO rights by sending us an email to muymahe@gmail.com establishing “ARCO rights request” as the subject, and explaining your specific request in the body. We will provide an answer to your request during the next five days after receiving your email, and in in the case of a favorable resolution, your request will be fulfilled during the next ten days after you receive our response.

            If you wish to revoke your consent of us using your personal information and/or establish limits to how we use any of it, you may do so by sending us an email to muymahe@gmail.com explaining your specific request. We will provide an answer to your request during the next five days after receiving your email, and in the case of a favorable resolution, your request will be fulfilled during the next ten days after you receive our response.

            Please bear in mind that if you access our website from any place outside México, it is most likely that your personal information will be gathered, used and stored in México, where our data base and servers are located. Consequently, only Mexican laws regarding personal data protection are applicable to protect your personal information in our possession, not being applicable any laws of foreign countries without exceptions. Nevertheless, you may rest assured that your personal information will be protected to the extent possible.

            Any modification to our privacy policy will be notified to your email address.
